Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Is it true that coffee Avoid Seizures in Children?

kopi hijau pelangsing

Is it true that coffee Avoid Seizures in Children?


QUESTION: Doc, am very happy to be able nemuin this community. My son who is 6 months old. said the other day seizure or step parents. The question is, is it true coffee water can dodge step? Is risky step and what is worth doing if it lasts. Mustafa Bisri, TubanJAWAB: Step or its true meaning is a febrile seizure is a seizure despite the state of electric charge caused by fever. Febrile seizures are divided into two types, namely simple febrile seizures (seizures 1x only take place in episodes of fever) and complex febrile seizures (seizures 1x growing more in one episode of fever). Several major febrile seizures are simple febrile seizures are relatively less risky in the sense of not causing fatal complications. But this febrile seizures can recur when the little guy suffer fever. Up to now there is no research showing that coffee can avoid this condition in children. Therapy is most important is avoiding increased body temperature / fever by giving fever-lowering drugs, drink enough and compress all of the body with warm water.

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